Ray Rice Footage & Supension (Full Video)

  What to make of this situation at the of the end of the day is tiered. Lessons for the NFL and lessons Ray Rice and men in general. No one shall eve condone the beating of a spouse, male of female. Abuse is real and has a long latin effect. Who's feeling this more then ever now is Ex-NFL star Ray Rice, who was cut yesterday from the Ravens after essential media backlash. Today the power of the social media can be staggering. This incident happened way back in february with small hints of footage. But after yesterdays TMZ release of damning video of the knockout hit to then fiancé, the NFL was left with no choice but react again (already giving him a 2 game suspension prior) The NFL being the powerhouse of a company that it is was criticized for being to sparing to Rice and claiming to not have seen the video before, even backing him up of the NFL homepage over the summer. All that has chafed now , even his jersey has been removed from NFL sales. Rice obviously apologized and his now wife is also behind him. Even today seemingly more hurt of the social backlash then the incident itself. Is she a scared wife, or loving one who has worked past the incident and wants to move on?

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