Many of my friends and I have discussed this day and if it would come for NY at all. Well it has and we will rejoice, kinda. Gov. Cuomo signed the bill today to allow the sale of medical marijuana in NY state.....with some of the harsher rules to accompany it.
The law requires medical marijuana be ingested or vaporized. The details of exactly how the drug will be administered will be worked out by the state health department."
Only one other state Minnesota doesn't allow smoking , but some are hopeful that they will be able to push for less restrictions as time moves on.
"The first medication isn’t expected to be available for at least 18 months as state regulators, physicians and potential distributors of the drug work to implement the new program.
Under the law, the state will approve and regulate up to five businesses authorized to grow and distribute the drug. The operators could each have up to four dispensaries statewide."
Source: NY Post